
Tell Your Story!

Fifty years of UCSB engineers who change the world, of technology discoveries, of innovative education. You are a part of this history.

Alumni: Where has UCSB Engineering taken you in life? Did someone here make an impact on your future? Staff, faculty, and community: What does UCSB Engineering mean to you? Students: If UCSB Engineering is your jumping off point, what's your next adventure?

3 Ways to Share:

Share on social media with #UCSBCOE50

Share your slice of our history on social media by tagging #UCSBCOE50, or tagging our handles on Twitter (@ucsbengineering), Instagram (@ucsbengineering), or Facebook (find us at ucsb.engineering).

Use this form

If you use the form below to share your story, our intention is that we may share it with the UCSB Engineering community - email news, social media, print newsletters. Before we share your story, we will contact you to ensure we have your consent. If you mention a home department or program, we'll gladly pass along your story to them.

Email us directly

Feel free to contact us directly by emailing our Digital Marketing Coordinator: mmak@engineering.ucsb.edu.

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